College / Post High-School Education


These are resources for students with disabilities who are planning on attending a traditional technical, two-year or four-year university. These materials are designed to help high school students prepare for college and explains the process to get accommodations at the college level.

Before you dive in...


How To Prepare for College During High School and Find the Right College for You


Building Self-Advocacy Skills & Vocational Rehabilitation


Skills Needed to be Successful in College


York Technical College Virtual Tour


Winthrop University Welcome Video & Virtual Tour

Non-Traditional College Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities

Carolina LIFE

York CAN Partner
  • An inclusive certificate college program for students with diverse learning needs


Tony Plotner

820 Main Street
Columbia, SC 29208

Clemson LIFE

York CAN Partner
  • The ClemsonLIFE program at Clemson University is designed for students with intellectual disabilities who desire a postsecondary experience on a college campus.

Suite G-01 Tillman Hall
101 Gantt Circle
Clemson, SC 29634

Coastal Carolina LIFE

York CAN Partner
  • The Coastal Carolina University LIFE program is a four-year, tuition-based, post-secondary education and transition program for young adults who have mild to moderate intellectual and/or developmental disabilities as defined by AAIDD.

100 Tom Trout Drive
P.O. Box 261954
Conway, SC 29528

College of Charleston REACH

York CAN Partner
  • The REACH Program at the College of Charleston is a four-year, fully inclusive certificate program for students with mild intellectual and/or developmental disabilities

66 George Street
Charleston, SC 29424

Winthrop Think College

York CAN Partner
  • Inclusive post-secondary program for individuals with disabilities

320B Withers Building
Rock Hill, SC 29733

Other Resources

Tri-District Adult Education

York CAN Partner
  • GED,High School Diploma, WIN
  • Ready to Work, Para Professional Exam, & English Language Learners
  • Serves Clover, York, and Fort Mill

420 Knox St.
Clover, SC 29710

120 East Elliott St.
Fort Mill, SC 29715

37 Pinckney St.
York, SC 29745

York Technical College Continuing Education

LIFE Programs in South Carolina

The Five Comprehensive College Transition Programs across South Carolina

University of South Carolina, Clemson, Costal Carolina, College of Charleston, and Winthrop University each have comprehensive transition programs for students with special needs. Read more about each of their offerings in this document.